Andrew Graham-Brown
Andrew is the producer, director, cameraman for Penguin Post Office. The project is being made by his company, AGB Films, for the BBC. So, as the producer, this project is Andrew's baby. He chooses the shots and then (in his cameraman capacity) films them. Before this project, Andrew made Kangaroo Dundee - the book is currently available at all good bookstores and Amazon! You can find out more about Andrew and his previous projects at
Ruth Peacey
This is me! I am the assistant producer for Penguin Post Office. As there are only two of us in the field, this mostly involves me recording sound and acting as a sounding board for Andrew. I am a bit of bird / penguin nut (Andrew's words), so I spend my time in the field attempting to look out for different behaviours that we can point the camera at and really getting to grips with our penguin characters. When we finish filming each day, it is my responsibility to ensure all our rushes (material we have filmed) are properly backed up so we can re-use the media cards in our camera the next day.
Tudor Morgan
Tudor is our polar expert, having spent a great deal of time in the Antarctic. As well as guiding us on all our slightly riskier missions (like crossing sea ice), he has been an invaluable point of contact between the Penguin Post Office project and the UK Antarctic Heritage Trust, the charity that runs Port Lockroy. There really is little the guy man doesn't know about this area and we feel very lucky to be working with him! Sadly, he is leaving us now to go back home but will be back periodically throughout the season working on the Fram.
Helen Annan
Helen is base-leader at Port Lockroy this season. She came down ahead of the other Post Office workers with Tudor, Andrew and I to get things set up and organised. She spent a season working at Port Lockroy a few years ago and we are delighted that she has come back this year. So far, she has been very tolerant of our filming requirements, as well superb company, and we look forward to working with her more as the season progresses.
Dave Roberts
Dave is the skipper of Pelagic on our first voyage. He has safely guided the yacht across the Drake Passage and secured us in place just off Goudier Island since we arrived. He embraces any challenges thrown his way, always with a smile on his face. Prone to understatement, his classic quote of the trip so far has been "it's a little breezy" when referring to 60 knot wind gusts. Oh and he's a top good cook too, specialising in banana bread and roast lamb!
Bertie Whitley
Bertie is the first mate on Pelagic, working closely with Dave to ensure we are well-looked after and our voyage runs smoothly. She is one tough cookie - a totally awesome person who can turn her hand at anything. From sea kayaking in sub-zero waters to leaping in and out of zodiacs to ensure we are moored safely in place, as well as shimmying up the mast (or "going up the stick" as we have come to know this process) to guide Pelagic through brash ice or to look for a safe path out of a sticky situation. She is a pretty dab-hand in the kitchen too, making a mean risotto and delicious quiche to name a couple of dishes.
The rest of the Port Lockroy team
Although, we haven't spent that much time with them so far, the other base team members at Port Lockroy this season will be playing a greater role in our lives as the season unfolds. They are: Jane, Sarah and Kristy. All of them had to pass a rigorous selection and interview process to get here and each very much deserves their place. Together with Helen, they make a truly lovely team who we look forward to getting to know even better in the coming months. So far, we have seen their big smiles as they greet passengers from ships and the hard-work they put in to make the base a clean and fun place to live and visit.
ReplyDeleteI discovered your activity seeing the documentary about the penguins in Antarctica. My name Is Maxime. Im 29. I come from France and I am working as journalist in freelance for a french sport channel. Im also found of nature and I travel as soon as I can. One of my dream would be to discover Antarctica. Not for holidays but because Im deeply attracted by the idea of living in that kind of extreme conditions. I would be extremly happy to help you in your mission and I would like to be part of your team. How can I speak with you about my motivations ? How can I postulate to work with you ?
Maxime Peltier